- K. Zhang, J. Harwell, D. Pierangeli, C. Conti, and A. Di Falco, “Optical neural networks based on perovskite solar cells“, Photon. Res. 13, 382-386 (2025).
- W. Jaffray, Z. Guo, A. Di Falco, M. Ferrera, “Machine-learning-assisted dual harmonic generation FROG for enhanced ultrafast pulse recovery“, Machine Learning, Science and Technology 5, 045074 (2024).
- Y. Gan, J. Xiao, T. Plaskocinski, S. Persheyev, M. Biabanifard, A. Di Falco, “See-Through Conformable Holographic Metasurface Patches for Augmented Reality“, Laser Photonics Rev 2401240 (2024).
- S. Schulz et al., “Roadmap on Photonics Metasurfaces“, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 260701 (2024).
- W. Jaffray, F. Ali, S. Stengel, Z. Guo, S. A. Schulz, A. Di Falco, M. Ferrera, “Engineering Waveguide Nonlinear Effective Length via Low Index Thin Films”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2303199 (2024).
- J. Xiao, T. Plaskocinski, M. Biabanifard, A. Di Falco, “Self-Calibrated Flexible Holographic Curvature Sensor“, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2301851 (2024).
- M. Biabanifard, T. Plaskocinski, J. Xiao, A. Di Falco, “ZrO2 Holographic Metasurfaces for Efficient Optical Trapping in The Visible Range“, Advanced Optical Materials, 2400248 (2024).
- J. Hilton, Y. Nanao, M. Flokstra, M. Askari, T. K. Smith, A. Di Falco, P. D. C. King, P. Wahl, C. S. Adamson, “The role of ion dissolution in metal and metal oxide surface inactivation of SARS-CoV-2“, Applied and Industrial Microbiology, 01553-23 (2024).
- T. Plaskocinski, Y. Arita, G. D. Bruce, S. Persheyev, K. Dholakia, A. Di Falco, H. Ohadi, “Laser writing of parabolic micromirrors with a high numerical aperture for optical trapping and rotation“, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 081106 (2023).
- J. Xiao, T. Plaskocinski, M. Biabanifard, S. Persheyev, A. Di Falco, “On-Chip Optical Trapping with High NA Metasurfaces“, ACS Photonics 10, 1341-1348 (2023).
- J. Xiao, R. I. Hunter, D. A. Robertson, G. M. Smith, S. Horsley, S. A. Schulz, and A. Di Falco “Shape Dependent Conformable Holographic Metasurfaces“, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2202006 (2023).
- M. Biabanifard, J. Xiao, A. Di Falco, “Thin-film polymeric metasurfaces for visible wavelengths“, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 231702 (2023)
- T. Plaskocinski, L. Yan, M. Schubert, M. C. Gather, and A. Di Falco, “Optically Manipulated Micromirrors for Precise Excitation of WGM Microlasers“, Advanced Optical Materials 2302024 (2023).
- L. C. Wynne, C. Zhang, U. Akpan, A. Di Falco, and S. A. Schulz, “Anti-reflection coatings for epsilon-near-zero materials“, Optical Material Express 12, 4088-4095 (2022).
- L. Yan, J. Xiao, T. Plaskocinski, M. Biabanifard, S. Persheyev, M. Askari, and A. Di Falco, “Two-tier manipulation of holographic information“, Opt. Express 30, 19145-19151 (2022).
- V. M. Titze, S. Caixeiro, A. Di Falco, M. Schubert, M. C Gather, “Red-shifted excitation and two-photon pumping of biointegrated GaInP/AlGaInP quantum well microlasers“, ACS photonics 9, 952-960 (2022).
- Askari, M., Kirkpatrick, B.C., Čižmár, T. and Di Falco, A., “All-optical manipulation of photonic membranes“. Opt. Express 29, 14260-14268 (2021).
- Mischok, A., Hale, N., Gather, M.C. and Di Falco, A., “Effective permittivity of co-evaporated metal-organic mixed films”. Journal of Applied Physics 129, 083101 (2021).
- Fratalocchi, A., Fleming, A., Conti, C. and Di Falco, A., “NIST-certified secure key generation via deep learning of physical unclonable functions in silica aerogels”. Nanophotonics 10, 457 (2020).
- Varo, S., Li, X., Juska, G., Jahromi, I.R., Gocalinska, A.M., Di Falco, A. and Pelucchi, E., “Planar Semiconductor Membranes with Brightness Enhanced Embedded Quantum Dots via Electron Beam Induced Deposition of 3D Nanostructures: Implications for Solid State Lighting”. ACS Applied Nano Materials 3, 12401 (2020).
- Wynne, L.C., Ballantyne, H.T., Li, X., Di Falco, A. and Schulz, S.A., “A Hilbert transform method for measuring linear and nonlinear phase shifts imparted by metasurfaces”. Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 42, 100844 (2020).
- Mazzone, V., Di Falco, A., Cruz, A. and Fratalocchi, A., “Photonics based perfect secrecy cryptography: Toward fully classical implementations”. Applied Physics Letters 116, 260502 (2020).
- Di Falco, A., Mazzone, V., Cruz, A., Fratalocchi, A.,”Perfect secrecy cryptography via mixing of chaotic waves in irreversible time-varying silicon chips“. Nature Communications 10, 5827 (2019).
- Fleming, A., Conti, C., Vettenburg, T. and Di Falco, A., “Nonlinear optical memory effect“, Optics Letters 44, 4841-4844 (2019).
- Li, X., Rizza, C., Schulz, S.A., Ciattoni, A. and Di Falco, A., “Conformable optical coatings with epsilon near zero response”. APL Photonics 4, 056107 (2019).
- Harwell, J., Burch, J., Fikouras, A., Gather, M. C., Di Falco, A. & Samuel, I. D. W., “Patterning multicolour hybrid perovskite films via top-down lithography“, ACS Nano 13, 3823–3829 (2019).
- Fleming, A., Conti, C., and Di Falco, A. , “Perturbation of Transmission Matrices in Nonlinear Random Media”, Annalen der Physik 531, 1900091 (2019).
- Burch, J., Ma, J., Hunter, R.I., Schulz, S.A., Robertson, D.A., Smith, G.M., Wang, J. and Di Falco, A., “Flexible patches for mm-wave holography”. Applied Physics Letters 115, 021104 (2019).
- Burch, J., and Di Falco, A., “Surface topology specific metasurface holograms”, ACS Photonics 5, 1762-1766 (2018).
Li, X., Su, R. L., Zhou, Z. K., Yu, Y., and Di Falco, A., “Photonic trimming of quantum emitters via direct fabrication of metallic nanofeatures”, APL Photonics 3, 071301 (2018).
Fikouras, A. H. , Schubert, M., Karl, M. , Kumar, J. D., Powis, S. J., Di Falco, A. , and Gather, M. C., “Non-obstructive intracellular nanolasers”, Nature Communications 9, 4817 (2018).
Rizza, C., Li, X., Di Falco, A., Palange, E., Marini, A. and Ciattoni, A., “Enhanced asymmetric transmission in hyperbolic epsilon-near-zero slabs”, Journal of Optics 20, 085001 (2018).
- Burch, J., Wen, D., Xianzhong, C., Di Falco, A., “Conformable Holographic Metasurfaces“, Scientific Reports 7, 4520 (2017).
- Flexible Nanowire Cluster as a Wearable Colorimetric Humidity Sensor“, Small 13, 1700109. (2017). , , , , , , , , “
- L. De Angelis, F. Alpeggiani, A. Di Falco, and L. Kuipers, “Persistence and Lifelong Fidelity of Phase Singularities in Optical Random Waves“ Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 203903 (2017).
- De Angelis, L., Alpeggiani, F., Di Falco, A., & Kuipers, L., “Spatial Distribution of Phase Singularities in Optical Random Vector Waves”, Physical Review Letters 117, 093901 (2016).
- Braidotti, M. C., Gentilini, S., Fleming, A., Samuels, M. C., Di Falco, A., & Conti, C., “Optothermal nonlinearity of silica aerogel”, Applied Physics Letters 109, 041104 (2016).
- L. Caspani, R. P. M. Kaipurath, M. Clerici, M. Ferrera, T. Roger, J. Kim, N. Kinsey, M. Pietrzyk, A. Di Falco, V. M. Shalaev, A. Boltasaeva, and D. Faccio, “Enhanced Nonlinear Refractive Index in Epsilon-Near-Zero Materials”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 233901 (2016).
- R. Bruck, C. Liu, O. L. Muskens, A. Fratalocchi, & A. Di Falco, “Ultrafast All-Optical Order-to-Chaos Transition in Silicon Photonic Crystal Chips”, Laser and Photonic Reviews 10, 688 (2016).
- R. M. Kaipurath, M. Pietrzyk, L. Caspani, T. Roger, M. Clerici, C. Rizza, A. Ciattoni, A. Di Falco, & D. Faccio, “Optically Induced Metal-to-Dielectric Transition in Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterials”, Scientific Reports 6, 27700 (2016).
- Z. She, A. Di Falco, G. Hähner, M. Buck, “Electrodeposition of gold templated by patterned thiol monolayers”, Applied Surface Science 373, 51-60 (2016)
- A. Ciattoni, C. Rizza, A. Marini, A. Di Falco, D. Faccio, M. Scalora, “Enhanced nonlinear effects in pulse propagation through epsilon-near-zero media”, Laser and Photonics Reviews 10, 3 517-525 (2016).
C. Rizza, A. Di Falco, M. Scalora, A. Ciattoni, “One-Dimensional Chirality: Strong Optical Activity in Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterials”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 057401 (2015).
C. Liu, R. E. C. van der Wel, N Rotenberg, L. Kuipers, T. F. Krauss, A. Di Falco, A. Fratalocchi, “Triggering Extreme Events at the Nanoscale in Photonic Seas”, Nature Physics 11, 358-363 (2015).
P. Reader-Harris and A. Di Falco, “Nanoplasmonic Filters for Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fibers”, ACS Photonics 1, 10 985-989 (2014)
A. Di Falco, “Chiral plasmonic nanostructures: Twisted by DNA”, Nature Materials 13, 846-848 (2014)
Scullion, M. G., Di Falco, A. & Krauss, T. F., “Contra-directional coupling into slotted photonic crystals for spectrometric applications”, Opt. Lett. 39, 15 4345-4348 (2014)
J. Doukas, L. Westwood, D. Faccio, A. Di Falco, and I. Fuentes, “Gravitational parameter estimation in a waveguide”, Phys. Rev. D 90, 024022 (2014)
C. Liu, A. Di Falco, A. Fratalocchi, “Dicke Phase Transition with Multiple Superradiant States in Quantum Chaotic Resonators.”, Phys. Rev. X 4, 021048 (2014)
A. C. De Luca, P. Reader-Harris, M. Mazilu, S. Mariggio, D. Corda, and A. Di Falco, “Reproducible Surface Enhanced Raman Quantification of Biomarkers in Multicomponent Mixtures”, ACS Nano 8, 3 2575-2583 (2014)
S. Gentilini, F. Ghajeri, N. Ghofraniha, A. Di Falco, and C. Conti, “Optical shock waves in silica aerogel”, Optics Express 22, 2 1667-1672 (2014)
M. Mazilu, T. Vettenburg, A. Di Falco, and K. Dholakia, “Random super-prism wavelength meter”, Opt. Lett. 39, 96-99 (2014)
S. Kosmeier, A. C. De Luca, S. Zolotovskaya, A. Di Falco, K. Dholakia, and M. Mazilu, “Coherent control of plasmonic nanoantennas using optical eigenmodes”, Scientific Reports 3, 1808 (2013)
M.G. Scullion, T.F. Krauss, and A. Di Falco, “Slotted Photonic Crystal Sensors”, Sensors 13, 3675-3710 (2013)
C. Liu, A. Di Falco, D. Molinari, Y. Khan, B. S. Ooi, T. F. Krauss, and A. Fratalocchi, “Enhanced energy storage in chaotic optical resonators”, Nature Photonics , (2013)
P. Reader-Harris, A. Ricciardi, T. Krauss, and A. Di Falco, “Optical guided mode resonance filter on a flexible substrate”, Optics Express 21, 1 1002-1007 (2013)
A. Di Falco, M. Massari, M. G. Scullion, S. A. Schulz, F. Romanato, T. F. Krauss, “Propagation Losses of Slotted Photonic Crystal Waveguides”, IEEE Photonics J. 4, 1536–1541 (2012)
A. Di Falco, T. F. Krauss, and A. Fratalocchi, “Lifetime statistics of quantum chaos studied by a multiscale analysis”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 184101 (2012)
M. Ploschner, T. Čižmár, M. Mazilu, A. Di Falco, and K. Dholakia, “Bidirectional Optical Sorting of Gold Nanoparticles”, Nano Lett. 12, 1923–1927 (2012)
Z. She, A. Di Falco, Georg Hähner, and M. Buck, “Electron-beam patterned self-assembled monolayers as templates for Cu electrodeposition and lift-off”, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 3, 101 101-113 (2012)
A. Di Falco, Y. Zhao, A. Alu, “Optical metasurfaces with robust angular response on flexible substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 163110 (2011)
C. Rizza, A. Di Falco, A. Ciattoni, “Gain assisted nanocomposite multilayers with near zero permittivity modulus at visible frequencies”, Appl. Phys. Lett 99, 221107 (2011)
M. Scullion, A. Di Falco, T. F. Krauss, “Slotted photonic crystal cavities with integrated microfluidics for biosensing applications”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 27, 101 (2011)
T. D. James, M. Scullion, P. Ashok, A. Di Falco, K. Dholakia, and T. F. Krauss, “Fully integrated microchip for remote fluorescence detection applications”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 11, 529 (2011)
M. Scullion, T. F. Krauss, A. Di Falco, “High efficiency interface for coupling into slotted photonic crystal waveguides”, IEEE Photonics Journal 3, 203 (2011)
A. Di Falco, S. C. Kher, U. Leonhardt, “Luneburg Lens in Silicon Photonics”, Opt. Express 19, 5156-5162 (2011)
- A. Di Falco, M. Ploschner, T. F. Krauss, “Flexible Metamaterials at optical wavelengths”, New Journal of Physics 12, 113006 (2010)
J. H. Wülbern, J. Hampe, A. Petrov, M. Eich, J. Luo, A. K. Y. Jen, A. Di Falco, T. F. Krauss, J. Bruns, “Electro-Optic Modulation In Slotted Resonant Photonic Crystal Heterostructures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 241107 (2009)
C. Reardon, A. Di Falco, K. Welna, T. F. Krauss, “Integrated polymer microprisms for free space optical beam deflecting”, Opt. Express 5, 3424 (2009)
A. Di Falco, L. O’Faolain, T. F. Krauss, “Chemical Sensing in Slotted Photonic Crystal Cavities”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 063503 (2008)
A. Di Falco, C. Conti, S. Trillo, “Tunneling mediated by 2D+1 conical waves in a 1D lattice”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 013601 (2008)
A. Di Falco, L. O’Faolain, T. F. Krauss, “Dispersion Control and slow light in slotted photonic crystal waveguides”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 083501 (2008)
A. Di Falco, L. O’Faolain, T. F. Krauss, “Photonic crystal slotted slab waveguides”, Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 6, 38 (2008)
- A. Di Falco, G. Assanto, “Tunable wavelength-selective add-drop in liquid crystal on a silicon microresonator”, Opt. Comm. 279, 210 (2007)
A. Di Falco, C. Conti, and G. Assanto, “Quadratic phase matching in slot waveguides”, Opt. Lett. 31, 3146 (2006)
A. Di Falco, C. Conti, and G. Assanto, “Impedance matching in photonic crystal microcavities for Second Harmonic Generation”, Opt. Lett. 31, 250 (2006)
A. Di Falco, C. Conti, and G. Assanto, “Transient-mode excitation, terahertz generation and wavelength shifting in a photonic band gap”, Appl. Phys. B 81, 415 (2005)
A. Di Falco, C. Conti, and G. Assanto, “Terahertz pulse generation via optical rectification in photonic crystal microcavities”, Opt. Lett. 30, 1174 (2005)
C. Conti, A. Di Falco, and G. Assanto, “Controlled transmission in the forbidden photonic bandgap via transient nonlinear states”, Opt. Lett. 29, 2902 (2004)
A. Di Falco, C. Conti, and G. Assanto, “Wavelength shifting in photonic bandgap microcavities with isotropic media”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 4585 (2004)
C. Conti, A. Di Falco, and G. Assanto, “Frequency generation within the forbidden band gap: All optical Rabi-like splitting in photonic crystals and microcavities”, Phys. Rev. E 70, 06664 (2004)
A. Di Falco, C. Conti, and G. Assanto, “Three-Dimensional Superprism Effect in Photonic-Crystal Slabs”, IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. 22, 1748 (2004)
C. Conti, A. Di Falco, and G. Assanto, “Parametric Oscillations in Photonic Crystal Slabs. 3-D Time-Domain Analysis”, IEEE Photon. Techn. Lett. 16, 1495 (2004)
C. Conti, A. Di Falco, and G. Assanto, “Optical parametric oscillations in isotropic photonic crystals”, Optics Express 12, 823 (2004)
L. Colace, G. Leo, A. Amoroso, A. Di Falco, C. Cino, and G. Assanto, “Bi-colour spatial solitons in linearly uncoupled planar waveguides”, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 6, 217 (2004)
A. Di Falco, C. Conti, and G. Assanto, “Photonic crystal wires for optical parametric oscillators in isotropic media”, Appl. Phys. B 79, 9 (2004)
G. Leo, L. Colace, A. Amoroso, A. Di Falco and G. Assanto, “Spatial optical simultons in nonlinearly coupled planar waveguides”, Opt. Lett. 1031, 28 (2003)
A. Amoroso, A. Di Falco, G. Leo, G. Assanto, A. Parisi, A. Cino and S. Riva Sanseverino, “Second Harmonic Generation in Coupled LiNbO3 Waveguides by Reverse-Proton Exchange”, IEEE Photon. Techn. Lett. 15, 443 (2003)
A. Di Falco and G. Assanto, “Spatial Optical Solitons in Nonlinearly Coupled Lithium Niobate Waveguides”, IEEE Photon. Techn. Lett. 15, 537 (2003)